Sweet Summer Escape plans

I had such grand plans for this year's Sweet Summer Escape event over at Cross Stitch, It's fun!   I wanted to start 40 new projects over the 39 days.  I was so excited with the idea, I started planning what projects I was going to start, my husband thought I was nuts, my friends thought I was nuts, and I loved it.  But life has a way of getting in the way of my stitching time.  So I have had to adapt my plans.  So instead of starting 40 new cross stitch projects, I am going to try to work on a different project each day, be it cross stitch, crochet, or knitting.  I have a pile of Christmas presents to complete on top of family visits the next two weekends.  I also have to take an important test this week and continue to prepare for the Fall semester.  This is my last year of school and probably the most important.  So with that in mind, I am going to try to work on at least 5 different cross stitch projects each week.  I also plan on working on at last 2 different yarn projects each week.  And I would like to complete at least 5 FFO's by the end of the event.   I hope that come Labor day weekend I will be able to say that I have met my goals.  Wish me luck!
